GREEN ZELINA, kuća za odmor

GREEN ZELINA, kuća za odmor

Vrsta smještaja / Kategorija:  Sobe * * *

Grad/mjesto: Sv. Ivan Zelina/ Šulinec

Ulica i kućni broj: Šulinec 87

Osoba za kontakt: Davor

Mobitel: +38599 317 4949 +38598 451 752

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Površina objekta m2 : 55

Sobe/kreveti: spavaća soba 12 kreveta za 1 osobu, dnevni boravak: 1 kauč na rasklapanje 

Ukupno osoba: 4

Prijava od: 14 h

Odjava do: 12 h

Kućni ljubimci nisu dozvoljeni.


ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK /  “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”



Vlasnici su u horoskopu: OVAN – odgovaraju mu bor i jela, ali i glog, kaktus, mahagonij i sve što ima bodlje, te JARAC – za taj znak vežu se jablan i brijest, kao i sve ono što raste po planinama. Najjače vibracije ipak se osjete između bukve i ovog znaka.

„Bez pčela ne bi bilo ni ljudi”, rekao je Albert Einstein, utemeljitelj moderne fizike. Jedan od najomiljenijih znanstvenika za života je upozorio što bi se moglo dogoditi s ljudima, životinjama i biljkama ako pčela nestane sa Zemlje. Ukratko, rekao je kako bez pčela nema života. Vlasnik vile je pčelar i kuća je okružena cvjetnim livadama.

„Nestanu li pčele s planeta Zemlje, čovjeku kao vrsti ostaje još oko četiri godine života. Bez pčela nema oprašivanja, nema ploda, nema hrane, nema ni ljudi”, upozorio je Einstein.

Najpoznatija je pčela na svijetu, uz koju su odrasle mnoge generacije, pčelica Maja. Iako gotovo svatko zna za seriju crtanih filmova, pčelica Maja pojavila se prije više od stotinu godina u priči njemačkog spisatelja Waldemara Bonselsa. Lik vrckave i znatiželjne pčelice Maje inspirirao je umjetnike različitih medija te je oživjela u stripu, videoigri, a u Hrvatskoj je poznata i kao opera skladatelja Brune Bjelinskog iz 1957.

Maslačak je najbolja hrana za pčele – osim što je iznimno koristan za ljude, maslačak je od neprocjenjive važnosti za pčele i druge oprašivače. Cvijet maslačka otvara se sat vremena nakon izlaska sunca i zatvara se u sumrak. Zato je u stara vremena cvijet pastirima služio i kao sunčani sat. Ovaj je cvijet mjerio kretanje na dnevnoj putanji sunca. To je onaj cvijet koji ujutro otvara latice prema suncu, a navečer ih zatvara kao da spava. Na neki način sve nas podsjeća na djetinjstvo, na neke uspomene, sretne dane… Sigurno smo svi puhali u „lopticu” maslačka s nadom da će nam se ispuniti želja koju smo u tom trenutku zamislili. To je i poveznica s bajkom Plesna haljina žutog maslačka, što daje dodanu vrijednost za interpretaciju obiteljima s djecom.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Gabi Novak, Hrabri ljudi



Owners' zodiac signs: ARIES – it is the zodiac sign which matches well with pine and fir trees, but also with hawthorn, cactus, mahogany and all plants with needles, and CAPRICORN – this zodiac sign is associated with poplar and elm trees, as well as all mountainous plants. The strongest vibrations can be felt between this zodiac sing and the beech.

“Without bees, there would be no humans,” said Albert Einstein, the founder of modern physics and one of the most beloved scientists. During his lifetime, he warned about what could happen to humans, animals, and plants if bees were to disappear from the Earth. In short, he stated that without bees, there would be no life. The owner of the villa is a beekeeper, and the house is surrounded by wildflower meadows.

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man,” warned Einstein.

The most famous bee in the world, which many generations have grown up with, is Maya the Bee. Although almost everyone knows the animated series, Maya the Bee first appeared over a hundred years ago in a story by the German writer Waldemar Bonsels. The character of the lively and curious bee Maya has inspired artists in various media, and she has come to life in comics, video games, and, in Croatia, in an opera from 1957 by the composer Bruno Bjelinski.

Dandelions make the best food for bees. In addition to being extremely beneficial for people, dandelions carry invaluable importance for bees and other pollinators. The dandelion flower opens one hour after sunrise and closes at dusk. Therefore, in ancient times, the flower served as a sundial for shepherds. In a way, it served as a measure of the sun’s movement along its daily path. It is the flower that opens its petals towards the sun in the morning and closes them as if sleeping in the evening. In a way, it reminds us of childhood, evokes memories of happy days... Surely, we have all blown at a dandelion “puffball” hoping that the wish made at that moment would come true. The dandelion can also be connected with the tale Plesna haljina žutog maslačka (The Yellow Dandelion's Dance Dress) which can be used for interpretation that will appeal to families with children.


The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: Gabi Novak, Hrabri ljudi





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  • Trg Ante Starčevića 13, 10380 Sv. Ivan Zelina, HR
  • +385 1 2061 808
  • OIB: 60155307304

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