MILENIJ, pansion

MILENIJ, pansion

Vrsta smještaja / Kategorija: Pansion ***

Grad/mjesto: Sv. Ivan Zelina / Filipovići

Ulica i kućni broj: Filipovići 1 F

Osoba za kontakt: Nikica

Mobitel: +385 98 525 113

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Sobe/kreveti: 5 dvokrevetnih soba, 1 trokrevetna soba

Ukupno osoba: 13

Prijava od: 14 h

Odjava do: 9 h

Obiteljski restoran - pansion „Milenij“ smješten je u lijepom prigorskom kraju u mjestu Filipovići, nedaleko od Sv. I. Zeline.

U mirnom i tihom okružju s puno zelenila i svježeg zraka udaljen je od centra Zagreba svega 30 km, a isto toliko i od Varaždina.

Spojite ugodno sa korisnim , bilo da želite samo jesti, prenoćiti ili pak produžiti svoj boravak. Restoran-pansion „Milenij“ nudi Vam kvalitetnu, obilnu i ukusno pripremljenu hranu, ugodan i topao smještaj u sobama.




ČAROBNI ZELINSKI VILINSKI PARK /  “Zelina’s enchanted fairy park”



Vlasnici su u horoskopu: LAV – za njega se veže drvo limuna, naranče, banane, palme, lovora, masline, badema, ali i jasen, te RAK – za njega se veže drveće sa sočnim plodovima, zimzeleno drveće i sve što raste blizu vode. Najbliže su mu vrba i topola.

U vrtu su smokve i masline. U okolišu imaju 5500 m2 šume – hrast, bukva, grab i akacija.

U mitovima drevnih kultura koje su cvjetale na Mediteranu stablu masline pridavana je velika važnost. U Egiptu tako za njezino stvaranje zahvaljuju izravno božici Izidi, a u Mezopotamiji kažu da ju je stvorila božica Ištar, koja je bila vrhovno žensko božanstvo. Mitovi nam govore da je i u Grčkoj prvo stablo masline stvorila božica Atena, koja je Grcima poklonila dragocjeni dar i glatko pobijedila Posejdona, koji je, prema jednoj verziji, od morske pjene stvorio brzog konja, a po drugoj izvor slane vode koji je potekao iz kamena. Zbog toga je nemoguće zamisliti povijest i civilizaciju Europe, posebno Mediterana, bez stabla koje je preuzelo čast mudre i nježne Atene, božice mudrosti i rata, kojoj je i čak i Afrodita zavidjela na ljepoti i skladu snažnog tijela.

U maslinovu zlatnom, djevičanskom ulju, sjajnim plodovima i zeleno-srebrnim krošnjama ogleda se čistoća našeg svijeta, štiteći nas od zla, bolesti i napasti, kao Atenu uzvišena čednost. Nijedno stablo nije uspjelo sačuvati toliko dostojanstva i nevinosti kao maslina.

Osim za prehranu, maslinovo ulje, koje je čak i slavni Homer nazivao tekućim zlatom, služilo je za čuvanje zdravlja i ljepote, balzamiranje, ali i kao dar bogovima. Zbog bioloških karakteristika i velike važnosti u životu ljudi, maslini su se, kao rijetko kojoj biljci, pripisivala i simbolička značenja. Zbog čvrstoće i otpornosti svojega stabla simbol je snage. Hipokrat je maslinovo ulje propisivao za više od 60 raznih bolesti.

Heraklo je bio naoružan toljagom od maslinova drva, a Odisej je maslinovim kolcem oslijepio Kiklopa. Simbol je vjernosti i odanosti, pa nas ne iznenađuje što je Penelopa godinama čekala Odiseja baš u krevetu načinjenom na panju maslinova drveta. Pobjednicima na Olimpijskim igrama na glave su stavljali maslinove vijence, a za nagradu su dobivali amfore s maslinovim uljem, koje je tada bilo vrlo skupocjeno.

Priča o maslinama ima snažnu religijsku arhetipsku simboliku i često se spominje u Bibliji, a u kršćanstvu je simbol Božje providnosti i brige za ljude. Mojsije je oslobađao ratovanja muškarce koji su uzgajali masline. Golubica koja se nakon potopa vratila na Noinu arku u kljunu je nosila maslinovu grančicu kao simbol pomirenja Boga i ljudi. Na slikama s prikazom ukazanja anđela Gabrijela Djevici Mariji vidi se kako anđeo u ruci ima maslinovu grančicu. S mnogo maslinovih grančica narod je proslavio Isusov ulazak u Jeruzalem, Isus se znojio krvavim znojem na Maslinskoj gori, okružen mnoštvom maslina, a križ je, prema predaji, bio od maslinova i cedrova drva.

Za interpretaciju prijedlog je uključivanje maslinove grančice u dekoraciju unutrašnjosti i kroz određene fotografije i ilustracije koje prikazuju moć maslinova drveta. Svakako, tu je i maslinovo ulje koje gostima mora biti na raspolaganju.

Kuća pjeva u ritmu: Klapa Maslina, Maslina je neobrana



Owners’ zodiac signs: LEO - this zodiac sign is well matched with lemon and orange trees, bananas, bay, olive and almond trees as well as ash trees. CANCER - it is associated with trees bearing juicy fruits, evergreen trees, and everything that grows near water. The trees closest to this zodiac sign are the willow and the poplar.

There are fig and olive trees in the garden. It is surrounded by 5500 m2 of oak, hornbeam, beech and acacia forest.

The olive tree was given great significance in the myths of ancient cultures that flourished around the Mediterranean. In Egypt, the creation of the olive tree is directly attributed to the goddess Isis, while in Mesopotamia, it is said to have been created by the goddess Ishtar, who was the supreme female deity. Myths tell us that in Greece, the first olive tree was created by the goddess Athena, who gave this precious tree to the Greeks as a gift, and she easily defeated Poseidon, who, according to one version, created a swift horse from the sea foam, while according to another, he created a spring of salt water flowing from a rock.

Thus, it is impossible to imagine the European, and especially the Mediterranean, history and civilization without the olive tree, which took the qualities of its creator, the wise and gentle Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, whose strong and harmonious body even Aphrodite envied.

The purity of our world is reflected in the golden, virgin olive oil, the shiny fruits, and the green-silver canopies of the olive tree. Olives protect us from evil, illness, and temptation, as Athena was protected by her exalted chastity. No other tree has managed to preserve as much dignity and innocence as the olive tree.

In the past, in addition to being used for nutrition, olive oil, which even the famous Homer called “liquid gold”, was also used for preservation of health and beauty, for embalming, and as an offering to gods. Due to the biological characteristics of the olive tree and its great significance in human lives, the olive tree has been attributed symbolic meanings like few other plants. Because of the strength and resilience of its trunk, it is a symbol of power. Hippocrates advised the use of olive oil for more than 60 different diseases.

Hercules was armed with a club made of olive wood, and Odysseus blinded the Cyclopes with an olive stake. The olive tree is a symbol of fidelity and loyalty, so it is no surprise that Penelope waited for Odysseus for years in a bed made from an olive tree stump. Winners of the Olympic Games were crowned with olive wreaths and awarded amphorae of olive oil, which was very precious at the time.

The story of olive trees carries strong religious and archetypal symbolism and is often mentioned in the Bible. In Christianity, the olive tree is a symbol of God's providence and care for humanity. Moses exempted men who cultivated olive trees from warfare. The dove that returned to Noah’s Ark after the flood carried an olive branch in its beak as a symbol of reconciliation between God and people. In paintings depicting the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel is often shown holding an olive branch. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, people celebrated holding olive branches. Jesus sweated blood on the Mount of Olives, surrounded by olive trees, and according to tradition, his cross was made of olive and cedar wood. 

In the holiday home, olive branches should be used for interior decoration.  Photographs and illustrations depicting the power of the olive tree should be hung on the walls and olive oil should be available for guests to try and use.

The house resonates in the rhythm of the song: the vocal group Klapa Maslina, Maslina je neobrana





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